Tri-Com Central Dispatch (TRI-COM) is a 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point that was established in 1976.
Tri-Com is governed and operated through an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Batavia, the City of Geneva and the City of St. Charles, Illinois. Tri-Com was formed to unite the cities in a cooperative arrangement to provide dispatch services for police, fire, EMS and other emergency functions within the municipalities.
Tri-Com is governed by a eleven member Board of Directors; each member represents a Police Chief, Fire Chief and Alderman for each legacy agency. Each Contract Communication Service Agency whose CFS for the prior fiscal year was greater than 8% of the total CFS shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote, through it's designated representative, on each matter coming before the Board of Directors.
Tri-Com Central Dispatch is a 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for a large portion of Central and Southern Kane County. Tri-Com provides dispatch services for the 7 police agencies and 6 fire agencies within its service area.
Tri-Com handles over 130,000 inbound/outbound calls a year, and dispatches an average of 98,000 calls annually.
Tri-Com has 28 authorized positions in two divisions: Administration and Operations.
Tri-Com utilizes both UHF and VHF public safety radio systems to dispatch police and fire agencies.
Tri-Com currently uses West Safety Services VIPER 9-1-1 phone system, and Central Square Technologies OneSolution Computer-Aided Dispatch and Mobile system.
Tri-Com Central Dispatch serves multiple law enforcement and fire agencies. See More>